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Korean Sweet & Spicy Beef Jerky Recipe for the Dehydrator - PepperGeek

1,503 Views· 08/28/24
In Cooking

Hello Pepper Geeks! In this video, we share our sweet and spicy beef jerky recipe for the dehydrator. It's sweet, savory, and has the perfect amount of heat. Let us know what you think of our spicy jerky recipe in the comments or on https://peppergeek.com!

See This Recipe: https://peppergeek.com/spicy-b....eef-jerky-recipe-for

Enter Our Giveaway: https://peppergeek.com/giveaway/

Amazon Affiliate Links:

Food Dehydrators: https://amzn.to/2JAGUOa

Silica Gel Packets: https://amzn.to/2Xb7JR4

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